Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Can a Locavore Shop at Costco?

I went to Costco today to stock up on the usual, this time with new parameters, the locavore pledge.  To be honest I don't really shop at Costco very often, maybe once every 3 months or so.  I generally shop there to stock up on paper products or oxyclean.  Of course I know that there are greener choices for paper products like Seventh Generation but so far none of them come in very large quantities and they are significantly more expensive.  So, unless a toilet paper, paper towel or tissue factory that makes green products opens up within a hundred miles of here I am going to get these items from Costco - for now.  

Today I got the usual paper products, toner for my fax/printer and an air purifier for the bedroom.  They were on the list and I was going to stick to it.  I was not even going to be tempted by the book section.

I really did not expect to buy any food other than salad greens (I was asked to bring a green salad to a pot luck dinner this week) and well, there are no local salad greens that I know of this time of year.  On my way to pick up said organic greens I thought I would check out the bakery section just in case there was something local, after all they do bake many things right there in the store, that's pretty local.  Boy did I get lucky!  There, tucked in the furthermost section of the baked goods was an entire rack of Eli's Bread, as in Zabar's famously delicious gourmet bakery, fresh from the Upper East side.  Since I don't go to Costco often, I got two loaves of the Raisin Pecan bread and two of the Health Loaves to put in our chest freezer.  I have to say however that the raisin pecan bread was so good I am tempted to go more often.

I also celebrated this first day of March by picking up a fresh loaf of Irish soda bread made in Wyandanch, NY just across the sound from here.  Of course no visit to Costco is complete with out the taste of a sample or two and today's sample was Nature's Path Organic granola bars.  Yummy and perfect for the kids lunches so I grabbed a box of them too.

All in all I did better food wise than I expected.  Of course other than the salad greens I did have to skip the produce section entirely but I really didn't mind.  Only 4 more weeks and we will be receiving the first box of spring produce from our CSA - can't wait!

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