Thursday, April 16, 2009

Bag Lady

Isn't it funny how we learn things without knowing it at the time?  Sometimes it is only in hindsight that we recognize wisdom.

I am dedicating this post to my Grammy who will be having a huge laugh in heaven upon reading this.  Strange how I can still hear her laugh.

Anyway, my grandmother was married during the great depression and a young mother during WWII.  Scarcity of goods, victory gardens and rationing were just a fact of life.  My grandmother learned these lessons well and turned frugality and resourcefulness into an art.  My mom would say she could pinch a penny until it screamed.  One of the many tools in her arsenal was re-using plastic zip lock bags.  

I remember when visiting her, how the need for a baggie would send me into the pantry to paw through a paper bag, which held her washed and many times re-used baggies, to find the right size.  After a few minutes I would emerge and ask, "why don't you just throw these old things out and buy some new ones?".  Her reply would always be "they're perfectly good - there's no need to waste them".  I would usually just roll my teenage eyes and carry on.

Fast forward a few years.  I am a new mom and housewife going through my eco-friendly products catalog when I spot a little wooden dryer for washing and re-using plastic baggies.  Of course I bought one and have been using it ever since.   I have to admit it is a good thing to do, it saves money and keeps baggies out of landfills.  It turns out that she was right all along and it only took me 15  years to figure it out.  How my Grammy would chuckle to see my baggies drying on their little yuppy bag holder.  Who knew - my grandmother was green before it was cool.  She also used to hang her laundry out to dry - but that is a post for another time...

To buy your own countertop bag dryer visit:

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