Saturday, May 2, 2009

Plant Nannies

Last November my husband and I actually got away for a weekend to celebrate our anniversary in Old Lyme, CT.  We spent a day in Mystic and decided to get out of the rain by doing a little shopping in Olde Mystic Village.  There we found one of the best garden stores I've ever been to called Garden Specialties.  The first thing to catch my attention was an artist named Guy Wolff in front of the store demonstrating his technique for making beautiful clay pots - well needless to say I had to see what else was in store.  Once inside I found some unusual Christmas gifts, a snowy owl made of white feathers, a brass rain gauge for my father, a turtle clock.   I also picked up some great garden gadgets, and after waiting all winter, I am so happy that it has finally warmed up so that I can use them!

One of my favorite purchases was the plant nanny.  I bought two varieties, one that uses old wine bottles (16.95 for a set of four) and one that uses a plastic water bottle ($4.25 ea).   I have seen the same items in catalogs and on line for much more, these not only save my plants but my wallet as well!

Of course my daughter thought I should get the cool swirling glass Aqua Globes because she saw a commercial for them.  Not that I have anything against Aqua Globes, they are attractive and my sister swears by them, but personally, I prefer the plant nannies.  One because they hold a great deal of water and secondly because if a kid (or grown-up) happens to break one I won't mind  - I certainly won't have any trouble coming up with another bottle!  These little gadgets are a great way to recycle and if you are like me and don't water as often as you should they will buy you some time too!

If you happen to be in Mystic be sure to stop by Garden Specialties and if you don't plan to be in Connecticut any time soon you can also order the plant nannies and Guy Wolff's hand made pots on their website:

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