Wednesday, January 5, 2011

All Organics LLC

This is a shameless plug for my friend Brian's company All Organics, LLC.  If you are looking to give your plants a boost then do yourself a favor - skip the miracle grow and opt for All Organics.  Worm castings are the key to healthy plants and gardens, and the results are amazing!

I know it is too cold in most of the country to begin gardening, but if you are like me and find that making plans for spring planting in the winter helps to get your mind off the cold, then now is the time to check this out!  If you can't wait until spring then use it on your house plants, they will thank you.

To find out more please be sure to visit their website or follow them on facebook.  This product is not yet in stores but you can contact them to place an order.

Happy Growing!

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