Thursday, January 27, 2011

Re-Use It: Ribbon

I recently saw the Jane Campion film Bright Star - I cannot resist a costume drama.  In one scene, Fanny is arranging a gift basket when she reaches over and clips the end off the ribbon her sister is wearing as a sash.  She uses the little ribbon to decorate the basket.

A small moment, but it spoke to me.

I suppose some might see Fanny's act as cruel but she couldn't exactly take her carriage to Party City to get wrapping paper or disposable ribbons.  Resourcefulness is a virtue.

I guess the reason we don't use more real ribbons on presents is that it seems a luxury.  Of course, it isn't more expensive it just looks that way.  Perhaps we are just too used to living in a disposable society.

I love getting gifts tied up with real ribbons as much as I like giving gifts tied up with real ribbons.  I just can't bear to throw them out, not even the short pieces.  So, like a pac rat I keep them in a box in the basement hoping to re-use them for someone or something.  This is my box of ribbons.

If you save ribbon like I do, here is a great way to re-use them - turn them into book marks.  Ribbon has been used for book marks for ages, some bibles even have them sewn in.  You can remember a thoughtful friend when you open your book and they are much prettier than post-its.  They can even help you get organized.  I like to use a color coded system for marking favorite seasonal cookbook recipes: White = Winter, Light Green = Spring, Dark Green = Late Spring/Early Summer, etc.

Next time you receive such a lovingly wrapped present, don't forget that the ribbon is a gift too.

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