Thursday, April 14, 2011

At West End

Last week, I got a new catalog in the mail.  I have been receiving almost none since I signed up with Catalog Choice but I didn't mind this one slipping through the cracks.

At West End is "a unique place for rustic & recycled decor".   I am not sure where they got my information from, probably through my business, but they have so many cool things.  They have unusual gift items and even things that would be great for my clients.

One item in particular caught my eye - a turtle hide-a-key.  Everyone who knows me knows I love turtles and my husband had just asked me to get us a hide-a-key after we locked ourselves out of the house a few weeks ago.  My son seconded the motion as he does not fancy crawling in through the window again.  How could I resist?

I splurged and ordered - it arrived today.  The only thing that I didn't love was the styrofoam peanuts, I wish they had used a greener packing material.

So cute, I love it.  May we never be locked out again...

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