Tuesday, April 12, 2011

CSA Open House

We are recent converts to the CSA movement and have signed up with Gazy Brother's Farm in Oxford Connecticut.  We have been buying produce from them over the years at our town's farmer's market (their corn is great) but this year we are stepping it up.  Gazy Brother's Farm open house was this past Saturday and we were excited to make the trip up both to get to know them better and to teach our kids where their food comes from.  A great time was had by all!

My son was especially impressed by the huge tractor!  

The kids had a lot of fun planting potatoes, I think they would have done it for hours had we let them.

This is the greenhouse where our delicious salad was grown.  One of the reasons I picked this particular farm was their use of green houses to extend the growing season which in CT is pretty short. Local salad greens in early April is a real treat. 

 The kids also got to plant peas and decorate their pots.
While the kids were busy planting we sampled some wonderful foods (including some of the best pesto I have ever had) and bought jams, honey, home made bar-b-que sauce and beeswax lip balms.

We all agreed though that the best part of the day was the hay ride!

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