Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Home Made Ice Cream

My mother was in town visiting last week.  We decided to conclude our week together with the usual Friday night pizza dinner.  For dessert we all had a craving for ice cream, partly because we also had a craving for warmer weather - it has been an appallingly cold spring so far.  In discussing ice cream my children insisted on home made ice cream as it was "the best.   My mother and I agreed and reminisced about making ice cream with our parents when we were children.  I was happy to oblige and to create some new ice cream making memories for my children, nieces and nephews.

As I made the grocery list for our ingredients, I had a chuckle when my mother asked if we would need ice and salt for the machine.    No Mom, I said, the new machines are so much easier (I see the gift of an ice cream maker in her future).  Though I have fond memories of making ice cream with that messy, loud machine, usually in the dead of winter when snow for the basin was plentiful, I prefer my new Cuisinart.  

I brought all the ingredients and my ice cream maker to my sister's house and enlisted the kids for help.  For them the changing of milk and cream into ice cream is miraculous, probably more interesting to them than changing water to wine.  I have to admit the process is still exciting for me as well.
I snapped this photo (on my iphone) of my son and nephew as they patiently waited for the transformation.

Our favorite variety is also the simplest, I use the recipe that came with the ice cream maker:
2 cups heavy cream
1 cup whole milk
1/2 cup sugar
2 teaspoons vanilla extract (I use 1tsp. vanilla extract and the seeds from one vanilla bean)

I have also made maple walnut ice cream with great success, simply substitute 1/2-3/4 cup maple syrup for the sugar and add a half cup of chopped walnuts.  Last week, I also followed the Cuisinart recipe for chocolate ice cream and I have to admit it did not turn out well.  I know its hard to imagine any chocolate food not tasting good but alas this was the case.  I will have to scare up my mother's tried and true recipe and will report back on the results.

It seems I am not the only one who has been in the mood for home made ice cream - today I saw that one of my favorite locavore bloggers, Diary of a Locavore, also has a new post devoted to home made ice cream.  I guess we New Enlganders are ready for some warmer weather.  Be sure to check out this great blog for more home-made ice cream inspiration.

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